The Land is the People's, And Money Doesn't Matter
The land is the people’s and money doesn’t matter. Right now the opposite view is contributing to the destruction of human civilization. Sounds grim, maybe even a bit over the edge? However, facts are facts. For example, in England 1% of the population owns over 50% of the of the land. The majority of earth being legally ‘owned’ by a miniscule elite equates into two major problems: the majority of people are unable to own and work with the land, and the behemoth tracts of land owned by the few is unable to be effectively managed in a way that wisely reaps what the earth can provide us.
Essentially with the current system, living with and off the land is fiscally impossible for the majority of people. So we move away from the earth and into cement jungles to hunt for the abstract meat that is money. Sowing disconnect from Earth is one way she can be so mindlessly ravaged.
In reality this looks like the most able-minded humans disconnected from the soil on a daily basis, working mostly abstract, unessential jobs in the worlds of money and digital realities. Moon cycles, soil health and water management are the new abstract. Logic becomes the domain of industry goons. Growing the machine becomes unquestionable divine mission for humanity
Meanwhile, out of sight, the good earth is being managed by the moneyed maniacs that rule the laws of the land. He the pimp of the Great Mother, is most interested in boosting money and his industry regardless of the cost to the human collective in terms of health, quality of life and a livable future for generations to come.
All this going on, nature still points to our redemptive truth: the land is the people’s, and money doesn’t matter. It is the kind of transformational viewpoint we will need to embrace in order to create the world we want.
You know the world I’m talking about, the one where Earth is treated with deepest respect and recognized with love for the being that she is, and all the benefits that come along with this ride. When we the majority hold this view, sweet streams of action can flow to fuel movement towards regenerative agriculture, renewable energy systems, deft water and waste management and a renaissance in natural building.
Despite our many differences, this is our common ground. Air, water and soil are called commons for a reason. We share these life basics. If one of us contaminates it, the rest of us are affected. This is the earth that bonds us, and only when we remember this in practice do we blossom as a species.
The world we want is obvious: one with healthy soil, clean water and clean air. Education that expands minds and empowers bodies rather than the current contrary. Where workers have power equal to that of the bosses. Where the workers are the bosses. Where the bosses work for the benefit of the whole team.
It is a world at peace. Where the history books show us a previous version of humanity at war for millennia merely for the excessive wants of rulers and religious fanatics. It is sobering and astonishing. For ours is an abundant earth; there is clearly no NEED for such rabid war industry. We can always work it out through negotiation, trade and collective agreements aimed for the betterment of all. War is terror is murder, and will no longer be socially acceptable and even glorified as it is today on the big screen.
The Earth is our home, our spaceship spiraling behind the sun on a mysterious galactic mission. Her fields of vibrant forestry are where we source our needs and luxuries — our food, clothes, shelter and raw metals to refine into gadgetry.
We all own the Earth, if anyone at all. She is ours to share and all our responsibility to defend from the destroyers. For logically speaking, she more owns us than vice versa. We belong to her. We are a part of her and not the other way around.
A healthy, thriving, wisely-managed Earth is not far off or far-fetched. Enough examples exist showing we can harvest her bounty without chemcially destabilizing the complex life force that we need to sustain our species most sensibly.
A major hurdle to this happening now could be called the great money problem. This system is rigged by, and for, a very select few. Sick, inflated and sorely past due for a massive makeover, the money problem has us temporarily stuck in agreements where the great majority of fertile land fits in the hands of the few. This failing system continues to create a funnel of fiduciary effery, pulling more people off the land every day and into cities in search of dollar rewards.
This flies completely opposite to what we need as a species on the brink. On the cliff of climatic catastrophe. On the edge of ecocide, and it seems a great many of us are ready to jump. Or at least mindlessly stay on the escalator destined for such destructionary destinations.
A wise, sane and intelligent humanity (which we are capable of right now, especially if we listened to the youth and our wise elders) must do the exact opposite of pulling people away from the land. We must incentivize the return of humans with Earth. It is in our interest to renew our connection. Deepen it and strengthen it. Put more loving hands in the soil. Collect and plant seeds. Design efficient infrastructure. Harvest rainwater. Filter out the ubiquitous VOC’s from our chain of consumption. Invigorate the soil. Remember the medicine of the mother. Rekindle our traditions that revolve around the source of life. The Sun, Moon, Eath and the Divine are one with us all.
Though this life on Earth is our gift, do not expect the land to be given back to us so easily.. Whether we have given it mindlessly away or it has been surreptitiously stolen, the Destroying Dividers will do what they can to prevent our reclamation of life. We stand by or we stand up.
We must choose. We must move. A crucial key will be how we can go beyond money and back to the land.